Page 10 - BOSS Today Issue 11
P. 10

Dealer Groups

            “Exclusivity, at least

            within a geographical

            area, isn’t as much of a
            cast iron guarantee as

            you would think.”

            Exclusive or not?

          Some dealers signing up to a       versa,” he says. “Dealers are now   have the power of veto.
          buying group might think the       quite happy working with each      He says this is one of the benefits
          offers they were given would be    other on a regular basis. There is   of being an organisation that is
          exclusive to them, at least within   really not that much left that is   truly owned by its members. “If
          a certain area. But exclusivity,   unique that these businesses do.”  we were after profit, they would
          at least within a geographical       It’s a similar story when it comes   not be able to do this,” he says.
          area, isn’t as much of a cast iron   to deciding if, as a member,       Most groups do, however,
          guarantee as you would think.      you should have power to veto      differentiate membership fees
          XPD, for example, only offers      anyone in your area joining.       according to what size of business
          regional exclusivity for some of its   With most dealer groups this is   you are. Since joining Nemo,
          bigger dealers within the Office   not possible, as they actively go   Beaumont has introduced new
          Star group, while other groups     after new members – although       initiatives at his organisation
          offer no exclusivity at all.       Bob Geens at Advantia says         along these lines as well. He says
            David Langdown explains this     new members are really only        Nemo was already targeted at
          away by saying that expecting      interested in joining if they know   dealers with a turnover between
          such exclusivity nowadays is a     that no one else in their area is   £1m and £5m, but now they have
          throwback to the past. “We have    already a member.                  gone a little bit further with the
          dealers in Glasgow who have          Tim Beaumont at Nemo,            introduction of Evolve, a separate
          customers in London and vice       however, says his members do       class of membership for start-ups.

       10  BOSS TODAY | March 2012

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