Page 7 - BOSS Today Issue 55
P. 7

BOSS Today      #55

          the Sustainable Leadership Award at   enshrined within public sector tendering
          the last BOSS Awards –  explains, this   practices by using the TOMs (Themes,
          has meant a shift from people talking   Outcomes and Measures) calculator:
          about just the environment when it   “What the Government is now really
          comes to sustainability to sustainability   looking to know is what percentage
          encompassing social, environmental   of their spend on essential workplace
          and economic actions. “Everything is   supplies is going to be invested in three
          broadening out now so as not to be   areas: Economy, Education and the
          focused on one specific thing: for example,   Environment. In effect, they are now
          Social Value is now being considered:   allocating 20% of the marks on tender to   “price is becoming less
          eg FSC was originally set up to counter   price, 30% to sustainability, 20% to social
                                            value, and 30% to product quality. It used  important and they’re
          deforestation but now it has a whole
          section on labour and managing the   to be 80% on price, so price is becoming   brining in these other
          workforce.” There is also very much a move   less important and they’re bringing in all   considerations. It’s now all
          from commitment into action: “We’ve   these other considerations. It’s now all
          gone through the phase where everyone   about how you do business: your practises  about how you do business.”
          was announcing big targets, but people   and how you evidence them.”   Isy Spence,
          very quickly realised that commitments   As a result, as Andrew Bryers – Head   Group Marketing Director,
          don’t mean anything if you’re not acting   of Corporate Social Responsibility at   EVO
          upon them. We are also seeing government   Lyreco UK, who won the BOSS Award for
          regulations increase, such as the Plastic   Equality, Diversity and Inclusion last year
          Packaging Tax (PPT) and Extended   – points out, “It’s not a bolt on: you’ve
          Producer Responsibility (EPR), and where   got to align it with everything that you
          there is currently a lack of legislation,   do. At the end of the day, no business
          companies are also increasingly putting   will be successful unless it embraces
          demands on each other.”           sustainability within their organisation
           Indeed, as Isy Spence – recently-  and it’s not just the products you sell, it’s
          appointed Group Marketing Director   the whole culture of your organisation
          for EVO – reports, Social Value is now   that you’re changing.”

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