Page 23 - BOSS Today Issue 43
P. 23

BOILING THE FROG   BOSS Today      #43


          STILL A CHANGIN’

            uring the last six years the needs of   What does the new survey reveal about   What’s New?
          Dthe office workforce have continued   the UK workforce at present? Compared   With the workplace changing so fast,
          to change as technology and workers’   to the previous study, some results are the   the new report includes a host of new
          behaviour have evolved further, while young   same, some are different and – because   questions designed to assess today’s
          staff have also entered the workplace with   new questions have been asked in this   office workers’ needs and behaviour:
          often very different ideas and expectations   2019 report – some are entirely new.
          about what it means to work in an office.                            n To what extent is product
           That’s the broad conclusions of a new   What’s The Same?              colour important?
          research report by OPI and MWA (Martin   Few comparable results remain entirely   n Do workers share a printer and
          Wilde Associates) entitled Boiling The Frog:   unchanged from those recorded in the   has this affected their usage?
          Revisited.  Published in January 2019, this new   previous survey. One example is that,   n Are printer cartridges
          c200 page report repeats many of the key   unsurprisingly, the main reason why   sourced via MPS?
          questions in the groundbreaking 2012 OPI/  respondents have reduced their usage of   n  How important is it that an employer
          MWA Boiling The Frog report, which showed   many key OP items in the last five years   provides a variety of worker benefits,
          that young office workers can behave very   is still digitisation/computerisation.  such as ‘Barista-style’ coffee, sit/
          differently from their older colleagues in                             stand workstations, social spaces/
          terms of usage of office products (OP):  What’s Different?             breakout areas, natural lighting and
                                            In general, most of the differences   the latest technology products?
          n Which OP items are regularly    from the results of the last report are   n Do workers have the opportunity
           being used at work?              due to an intensification of previous   to buy products? Where from?
          n Which products are being used   trends. For example, although there   n Is Amazon/Amazon Business
           more – and less – than in 2012?  is still a wide range of office products   being used to source OP? If so,
          n To what extent are product branding   being used regularly (ie every week)   for which product categories?
           and eco-friendly products important?  by respondents, virtually all of the OP   n How do workers select OP items? Are
          n To what extent are documents being   products investigated by this report   online product reviews important?
           printed out and filed/stored?    are now being used significantly   n  What aspects of a supplier’s
          n  What methods are used for formal and   less widely in UK workplaces than in   digital content and web site
           informal written communication?  2012, as the below table shows:      most engage these workers?
          n What social networking sites
           are used for work?                                                                Boiling The Frog: Revisited
          n Where are hot drinks               OP ITEMS USED REGULARLY  2019 Study  2012 Study  is essential reading for
           sourced from at work?               Pens              90%        98%              any company management
          n How will the use of OP change      Notepads/memo pads  86%      83%              team that is serious
           in the next five years?                                                           about understanding how
                                               Envelopes         76%        81%              demand in the OP market
           Using a similar sample of 500 office   Staplers       72%        89%              is changing and where it
          worker respondents (250 in the UK and   Shredder       70%        72%              is going in the future. The
          250 in the USA), the survey’s results are                                          report is available now
          analysed by country and – within each   Files and binders  70%    84%              for £2,950 from www.
          country – by age, gender and company   Base            250        340    
          size, ensuring that the maximum possible
                                              Base: 250 UK respondents. Source: MWA
          value is extracted from the data.

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