Page 4 - BOSS Today Issue 41
P. 4

BOSS Today      #41     INTRODUCTION


          ALL SECTORS

          Like BOSS itself, its CEO Phil Lawson is a creature of many parts, and proud of it...

           sometimes get asked what I enjoy most   opposite and feel that we should be   of them small.
          I   about my job, which always gives me   embracing and reflecting the changing   I’m proud of several developing
          pause for thought. I guess I’m quite often   nature of our industry and highlighting   initiatives: securing scholarships for the
          seen to be out and about at various trade   opportunities. Manufacturers think we   ambitious learners in our community;
          events like dealer group conferences,   should be for them, as do wholesalers,   providing the infrastructure for our young
          socials and golf days. Some may think my   resellers, service providers and associates.   leaders to express themselves and shape
          life is a blur of prosecco and canapes.   The older generation want us to be   the future direction of our Federation; the
           The reality is quite different. An   representing them and the younger   reformation of the Writing Instruments
          organization that is 113 years old like BOSS   generation are keen to have their voices   Association with a new and fresh purpose;
          may not be the most agile - although,   heard.                       as well as the recent formation of the
          given our size, being fleet of foot should   In fact, we try and stay true to all   Special Interest group on Single Use
          be possible. The truth is that our members   of these things, whilst being agnostic,   Plastic Packaging (hereafter called SUPP
          want many different things from BOSS.   relevant and representative. It is a great   SIG). That’s not to say I’m not proud of all
          Some see us as a value-added service   privilege to represent our industry and to   the other aspects of BOSS, but I think the
          provider, offering HR, health and safety,   be seen to be the body that reflects all that   above come to be part of what I hope will
          training and development and legal   is good about our trade. Many of us have   be considered as my legacy.
          services. Some see us as the organiser of   made a good living from it; it has been   I’m also proud of the Technology
          the annual industry Awards and dinner.   kind to us and we are proud of it. BOSS   Showcase idea, adding further useful
          Others see us as a networking         should speak volumes in those terms.  business content on the day of our Awards
          group, facilitating better              But we are not ‘for’ one group   on 29 November. I hope you will come out
          contacts across all industry              alone. We are for all.     and support what I believe is a first: most
          sectors and within all                        My actual day-to-day life is   of the leading suppliers of technology
          channels.                                   part journalist, part speaker,   support to the trade, including dealer
           Some see us as                              part credit controller, part   groups, will be all together in one place for
          custodians of the                           new business person, part   the benefit of dealers, manufacturers and
          past in our structure                       marketeer, part chairperson,   wholesalers.
          and traditions and                           part minute-taker, part   I hope that you are also proud of
          believe that  we should be                  networker, part confidant,   BOSS and engaged with us through
          nurturing and supporting                    part lobbyist, part event   your membership. If you have some
          existing players and resisting              organiser, part facilitator,   suggestions on how we might improve or
          the changes brought about                  and part product developer.   future directions we might take, you know
          through new entrants                       That’s what makes it such fun.   how to reach me. I’ll be the one with the
          or technologies.                                 The variety is the only   glass of prosecco!
          Others see us as                                     constant.  I’m a
          completely                                             man of many   Phil Lawson, BOSS CHIEF EXECUTIVE
          the                                                      parts; most

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