Page 16 - BOSS Today Issue 23
P. 16

Special Report - Notepads

       value of the market, and their   and improving consumer   augmented this with advertising   brands must continue to invest
       own profitability, forward.   engagement in the books and   in The Times, Shortlist Magazine   with the consumer to ensure
       Indeed, Beer claims, while   pads category, because better   and Esquire Magazine, all   that we maintain engagement
       overall market volumes might   consumer engagement drives   supported by an on-pack   and category value going
       be described as steady, market   category value. “     competition offer and a social   forward. “
       value has been growing for the   Beer explains that, this year,   media push: “We have now   Indeed, Beer is adamant that
       last few years, partly because   Hamelin has been investing in   started our 2014 ‘Upgrade to   Hamelin has not yet finished
       of the understanding and   advertising in Q2 with Black n’   Business Class’ promotion, giving   with notebooks and notepads:
       opportunities unlocked by this   Red, and has a fleet of taxis on   consumers the chance to win a   “We are currently re-doing the
       ‘who?’ based approach: “All the   the streets of London bearing   MacBook Pro every month until   research to see if anything has
       players in this category have   the Black n’ Red brand and has   the end of 2014. We believe that   changed. For example, is the
       benefited from this. There are                                                    use of note-taking in digital
       more features and benefits                                                        format taking share from pen
       available on products now, but                                                    and paper? We’ll find this out,
       these would have been lost to                                                     and when we do, we will happily
       consumers if it was not for this                                                  share it with the industry.”
       new segmentation.”
         Indeed, Beer is keen to point                                                   Going Upmarket
       out that the company has been                                                     Indeed, Kevin Wharton,
       very active in communicating                                                      Marketing Manager at Exaclair
       directly to consumers: “Hamelin                                                   agrees that this market is
       are consistently the biggest                                                      rediscovering added value: “The
       investor in the category,                                                         biggest change to this market
       because we communicate                                                            structure is in the increasing
       not only through traditional                                                      popularity of premium products,
       consumer communications                                                           which has been brought about
       and catalogues, but also via                                                      by a growing consumer trend
       mainstream media such as TV,                                                      towards using stationery to
       magazines and newspapers.                                                         portray a stylish and professional
       We're committed to driving                                                        image.”

       16  BOSS TODAY | July/August 2014

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