Page 8 - BOSS Today Issue 22
P. 8

60 second interview

       Meet the

       new BOSS

       Specialist OP market researcher Martin Wilde chats to Aidan Doyle,
       Managing Director of Staples Advantage UK and Ireland.

       MW: Aidan,                 market! The world has changed   MW: So, what particular   MW: Is there anything in
       congratulations on your    significantly in recent years,   benefits do you see BOSS   BOSS that you personally
       recent appointment         and companies are having to   membership bringing to   would like to get
       as MD of Staples           source more competitively   Staples?                   involved with?
       Advantage. Can you         than ever before. Consumers
       tell me a little about the   are also looking for single   AD: BOSS membership will   AD: Certainly I will make myself
       business you are now       source suppliers, so one of our   allow our company, at all levels,   available to support these BOSS
       responsible for?           opportunities is to broaden the   to network and learn.  Part of   events wherever I can, and I
                                  product mix with an expanded   that learning will come from the   will encourage and support the
       AD: I’ve been with Staples for   product offering and added   market data that BOSS supplies   whole team at Staples to work
       nearly four years, previously   value solutions. I see it all as a   to support all industry members.   with the BOSS committees and
       as MD of the Irish business,   great opportunity for a global   And, of course, the specific   events. It’s all part of the job of
       so I am very familiar with the   brand leader with strong   support that BOSS provides   helping to ensure our industry
       Staples way! Obviously, Staples   European operations!  around running a business will   can remain vibrant and adds
       Advantage operates mainly                              always be helpful.         value to our customers!
       in the B2B contract stationery   MW: Why has Staples
       sector through the enterprise   recently decided to    MW: Conversely, what       MW: Thanks Aidan.
       and mid-market routes to market   join BOSS?           contribution do you        So - to finish - please tell
       and has a number of other lines                        think Staples can bring    me something that is
       of business.               AD: I think for the reasons   to BOSS?                 little known about you.
                                  anyone should join an active
       MW: What opportunities     trade association: to support   AD: For a start, we’ll help by   AD: I have a degree in
       and challenges lie         the industry, utilise the general   contributing to that learning! We   agriculture and spent 11 years
       ahead for Staples          support and benefits provided   will share our own knowledge   working for a milking machine
       Advantage in the UK?       by BOSS and network with    and input as appropriate, and add   company, of which five years
                                  businesses and colleagues   value at committee level where   were in Sweden!
       AD: Well, there are always   within the industry. Also it’s a   it is required. We will also support
       challenges for any business,   great opportunity to share and   BOSS events, as we have done
       the main one at the moment   discuss ideas within the industry   with the ‘Leaders of the Future’
       being the price sensitivity in the   sector.           conference.

       8  BOSS TODAY | May 2014

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