Page 15 - BOSS Today Issue 22
P. 15
Avery Office ow in its sixth year, Keep It Simple the number of pledges made
NGreen Office Week is a Perrin emphasises that the and we will plant up to 100 trees
Products’ national initiative which raises spirit behind the week is very to say ‘Thank you’ for their efforts.”
The Pledge initiative is part
award-winning employers’ eco-awareness and much on the small and simple: of Avery’s plan to make Green
“It’s about people signing up to
encourages a more eco-friendly
Green Office approach to the workplace make one or two very simple Office Week more than a seven
through a series of eco-hints changes to try and give energy day event: “We want people to
Week will be up and tips. Employees can visit saving a priority at work. For make a bit more of a conscious
and running the Green Office Week 2014 example, turning off your decision to carry on keeping
website (www.greenofficeweek. monitor at the end of the day those pledges beyond that
again from eu) and register to receive free can save more than £20 per particular week, so we are asking
May 12–16 daily downloadable content monitor per year. Or turning people to record them for three
months, and then we will get
off lights in meeting rooms or
reflecting each daily theme and
2014. sign up to receive a sample pack toilets or kitchens when they back to them to see how they
containing a range of recycled are not actually being used. So are getting on. We also want
and FSC accredited products to it’s not about doing the huge them to let us know how they
try out at work. things - the corporate things - it’s are doing via #greenofficeweek.”
Avery’s Category Manager about everybody joining forces
Ruth Perrin commented: to make a small change, because n FOR MORE INFORMATION
“Green Office Week is now a if everyone does that, it can add ABOUT GREEN OFFICE
well-established awareness up to something quite big.” WEEK GO TO
campaign which has proven
more and more popular each Take The Pledge AND @ukavery.
year. Participants will be able to New to 2014 is the Pledge
test their knowledge in a ‘Green initiative, whereby supporters
Quiz’, check out how efficiently of the campaign have the
they re-use and recycle office opportunity to make up to
waste using the ‘Waste Hierarchy five pledges during the week,
Matrix’, as well as download and as Perrin explains: “We have
follow tips such as making an created a Pledge form, which
eco cuppa and choosing the has five Pledges for people to
right plant for the right place. choose from. They just click
They can also let their friends on them, and download them
and colleagues know they are to keep a record of what they
supporting such a worthwhile have committed to. For Avery’s
effort by using fun, shareable part, we want to honour these Avery’s Category
Manager Ruth Perrin
content.” commitments, so we will record
May 2014 | BOSS TODAY 15
Green office.indd 3 08/05/2014 09:32