Page 11 - BOSS Today Issue 15
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■ the quality of the product   differentiation factor BIC dropped   distance behind. In fact, a not   strength of the winners and
         or service               to third from second, swapping   insignificant quarter of the   the marketing centric approach
       ■ their reliability as measured by    positions with Sellotape.  overall top 20 is represented by   of the brand owners. It is also
         consumer trust             If we were to remove the   technology brands.        testament to their investment
       ■ how consumers felt each     four category splits, the office   Second place in the   in building and maintaining
         brand was differentiated in    stationery segment would   technology category is Canon   great brands, through both
         comparison to its peers  dominate the overall top 20. Of   and in third, current brand   product innovation and
                                  the 20 leading brands, 12 would   darling of the tech sector,   exceptional marketing activities.
       These three factors, while not   be traditional office product   Apple. Fourth-placed brand is   Particular recognition should be
       exhaustive, are essential in   - Post-it, BIC, Sellotape, Avery,   Epson, with Dell sitting in fifth   bestowed on the four category
       creating brand equity.     Black ‘n’ Red, Tipp-Ex, 5 Star, Pritt,   spot. Brother and Samsung   winners - Post-It, PG Tips, HP
         The following rankings are   Conqueror, Stabilo, Collins and   just missed out on a top five   and Bisley - for outperforming
       based on combining all three   Scotch. The first six are in the   placing, ranking sixth and   their peers. In a crowded
       factors equally.           overall top ten.            seventh respectively. BT, Xerox   market, standing above the
                                                              and Ricoh close out the top ten.  competition in reputational
       Traditional office products  Facilities management       The top three brands remain   terms makes these business
       We asked consumers to rate   Unsurprisingly, the brands in this   consistent across the three   true champions. It will be telling
       just under 120 office products.   category are household names   criteria, with the exception of   whether they can remain on
       The results were clear: the gulf   with considerable marketing   trust, where Epson edged out   top in next year’s survey.
       between the strongest and   support in the consumer    Apple for third place.
       lesser brands was considerable.   market as well as the business                  The research
       The dominating brands all enjoy   to business market. Topping the   Furniture     The fieldwork was undertaken
       considerable heritage, high   list is Unilever-owned PG Tips,   A tighter collection of 13   by the telemarketing division
       awareness and widespread   followed closely by Nescafé in   office furniture brands were   of The Business Performance
       use - within both business and   second, with P&G-owned Fairy in   considered in the survey.   Group (sponsored by VOW),
       non-business markets. There is   third place. Tetley came in fourth,   Bisley topped by a significant   using a process developed by
       no doubt that those brands used   three places below its arch rival,   margin. In fact, the steel storage   The Centre for Brand Analysis.
       in the majority of homes have   followed by Kimberly-Clark’s   brand scored nearly four times   The research was carried out in
       an advantage over their pure   Andrex brand. As with the office   the points of second-placed   the first part of October 2012.
       business to business peers.   stationery sector, placing remains   Floortex. Securing third place   In total 217 individuals took
         Taking third place in this sector   consistent across the different   was Germania, ahead by just   part in the survey, an even
       was Sellotape, a brand born in   criteria, with the top three brands   one point from fourth-placed   balance of men, and women
       London in 1937. As the company   easily securing their positions   Empirial. As with the three   from across Great Britain. 83
       states, the brand is an assurance   across all three factors. In total 54   categories already examined,   per cent of those taking part
       of superior standards. Sellotape’s   brands were considered in this   the top three furniture brands   in the research were from
       ubiquity sees the brand name   category.               are consistently dominant.   the commercial sector, 2 per
       often used generically to    Disregarding the category   They represent the top three in   cent were from government
       describe the product type.   splits, only the top three facilities   quality, trust and distinction. For   departments, 7 per cent worked
       BIC, in second place, is equally   management brands - PG Tips,   trust and distinction however,   in the education sector and 8
       ubiquitous, as is first-placed Post-  Nescafé and Fairy - would make   there was no difference   per cent were from retail. All
       it, another brand name often   the overall top 20 list.  between Germania and Empirial,   respondents were responsible
       used incorrectly to describe the                       so Empirial only lost third spot   for purchasing within their
       generic product type. In fourth   Technology           because of a marginally lower   organisation.
       and fifth respectively are Avery   From the 59 technology brands   score on quality.
       and Black ‘n’ Red.         assessed, global giant HP topped                       Stephen Cheliotis is chief
         If we break down the results by   the rankings in this category. HP   Conclusion  executive of the Centre for
       factor we reveal a fairly consistent   also leads the overall list, with   The Brand of the Year award is   Brand Analysis.
       order. Against the quality metric   second-placed Post-it some   a reflection of the reputational
       the top four remain the same,
       however Tipp-Ex pushed out   “The Brand of the Year award is a refl ection of the
       Black ‘n’ Red to secure fifth. A
       similar pattern is seen with the   reputational strength of the winners and the marketing
       trust factor, where the leading   centric approach of the brand owners. It is also
       four products matched the
       overall results, but sneaking into   testament to their investment in building and
       fifth was stationery brand 5-Star   maintaining great brands, through both product
       - once more Black ‘n’ Red was
       pushed into sixth place. In the   innovation and exceptional marketing activities.”

                                                                                     December 2012/January 2013 | BOSS TODAY  11

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