Page 18 - BOSS Today Issue 59
P. 18
Taking The Chair
BOSS Today talks to Julie Hawley, the new Chair of the BOSS Federation.
BT: Congratulations on being appointed data & digital transformation, members at events, special interest
the new Chair of BOSS! Please can sustainability, remote working, groups or providing services. There
you describe your career up to this mental health, government regs, and are always new topics for debate
point? funding. Being able to discuss with and new generations of members
the board the areas where BOSS can to provide for: the Leaders of
JH: In my early twenties, I accepted a enable change, or facilitate forums the Future Committee is a great
role at Kingfield Wholesale Office for others to debate and lobby for example of succession planning for
Supplies Ltd, which today is part change, is a great mandate to work the industry, along with the value it
of the EVO group. In my time there with during my tenure. brings to those who take part – and
I qualified as an accountant and their employers. We need to build
ultimately became their Financial BT: What has been your involvement on this to ensure that we continue
Controller. I then moved to Office with BOSS until now? to have the voice of the future
Friendly, initially as their accountant integrated within BOSS.
and latterly as Managing Director, JH: I am a founder member of the
and this provided me with a Sustainability group, which originally BT: Please tell me something about
commercial understanding of all established its roots as the Single yourself that few others know.
the different types and sizes of Use Plastic Forum. I’ve also had the
businesses that make up the OP pleasure of contributing to expert JH: While I would prefer to be as
industry. I’m currently 2.5 years into panels at various events and have independent as possible in most
my role as Executive Director of been a judge for the BOSS Awards – areas of my life, I will admit that I
Finance at YPO and I’m thoroughly winning the Professional of the Year am “tech” lazy, and much of what
enjoying the challenges of being part Award in 2018 was a great personal I use and need to fix is managed
of a commercial operation governed highlight. I’ve served on the board either by colleagues or family.
in a public sector environment. for the last two years and BOSS has However, I have taken the plunge
a really great HR service that I can and swapped my car for a fully
BT: Why did you decide to take on the thoroughly recommend to members. electric vehicle as a new year
role of Chair of BOSS? challenge to ensure that I have to
BT: What opportunities do you see for learn some new technology and
JH: I’ve been a strong supporter of BOSS in the next two years? be able to speak with a little bit of
BOSS throughout my career in this authority on future EV challenges. I
industry and believe in the power of JH: The key to any progress is through have officially entered the world of
collaboration; being Chair gives me an membership actively engaging, “range anxiety”!
opportunity to take this to a different supporting and feeding back into
scale. Every industry needs a forum the community for the benefit of all.
for thought leadership, progression, There are some tough topics to move
innovation and networking for like- forward with, against a backdrop
minded businesses. To be able to of challenging market conditions
facilitate this with an experienced where priorities and focus are not
board, through a hard working team always aligned. I’m hopeful that as
and industry colleagues that actively an industry we can make the most
take part in our special interest of the opportunities to ensure BOSS
groups, is quite a powerful network is future-proof for generations to
of motivated individuals to work come.
BT: What challenges do you see for
BT: What aspects of the role are you BOSS in the next two years?
most looking forward to?
JH: BOSS works really hard to remain
JH: There are topics facing the industry, relevant and satisfy the needs of
including the cost of living crisis, its stakeholders, including engaging