Page 4 - BOSS Today Issue 44
P. 4

BOSS Today      #44     INTRODUCTION


          What a privilege to be taking over the position of BOSS CEO!

            ver 100 years ago the BOSS      marketplace, but also to create    give them access to the knowledge
          OFederation formed to support the   new business opportunities.      and experience of leading industry
          sector and help members succeed. It   BOSS sits at the heart of our   figures. Just get in touch if you want
          has evolved extensively since, adapting   industry, making it uniquely placed   to be involved with this dynamic
          to best serve members and protect the   to help strengthen it by enabling an   network – we are looking to grow.
          industry, with a particular focus now on   open, collaborative ecosystem of   Secondly, BOSS is here to think ahead
          bringing people together and providing   people and ideas - equipping members   for the industry - to inspire better
          support services and skills training.   with the resources and knowledge   decision making by providing access
           The partnership with the BPIF    required to move their businesses   to expert insight and information, and
          has enabled BOSS to broaden the   forward - in addition to championing   also to ensure that your staff have the
          scope of support it offers, and   all sectors of our industry.       skills they need to best equip them for
          benefit from sharing resources and   I’m delighted to be working with   the future. BOSS currently delivers
          overheads.  I’m proud of the ten   Simon Drakeford, our new Chairman,   excellent Management Training, and I’ll
          years I’ve spent in what’s now my   as well as the whole of the BOSS board,   be ensuring that members who pay the
          previous role (!), leading and driving   who between them have a wealth of   Apprenticeship Levy are using this most
          its marketing and communications   experience and represent a real cross   effectively to futureproof their teams.
          and many membership initiatives.   section of the industry as a whole.  I’ll also be looking at what we need to do
          I’m passionate about engagement,    My intentions for BOSS are four fold:  to ensure that the great training that’s
          ensuring that organisations like BOSS   We are here to facilitate connections   available now continues to be relevant
          and BPIF provide tangible support   – connecting members to each other,   to the future as business needs evolve.
          for their members - enabling them   and also to new ideas. I believe it is the   Thirdly, it’s crucial that we understand
          to develop and upskill their teams,   role of BOSS to create worthwhile, fun   what matters to all of our members so
          save money and be connected to    and enjoyable experiences to inspire   we can provide you with the best support
          people and ideas that inspire.    collaboration and effective working   in a way that it is most accessible to
           BOSS has always been here to     relationships throughout the whole   you. I’ll be making sure you can access
          support its members and to work with   supply chain, and am pleased to see   all of your core support resources
          members and wider stakeholders,   this already happening in a number of   easily through our website, and that
          helping to identify and navigate the   ways. Our Single Use Plastic, Synergy   the right people in your teams are
          key issues, challenges an opportunities   and Manufacturers Forums are a great   receiving the content they need to see.
          affecting the future of our sector.  It’s   example of this, as well as are our   Finally, BOSS is here to champion
          a real privilege to take on this role    Committees and key events   excellence within our industry, which
          after Phil Lawson, who together           such as the Leaders of the   includes celebrating and sharing your
          with Geoffrey Betts and an                 Future Conference, Members’   successes - so make sure you let us
          invigorated BOSS Board have                 Day and the BOSS Awards.  know about them! Which leads me
          done a fantastic job in leading               Ensuring that our sector   nicely on to our BOSS Awards, to be held
          the organisation over the last               is a brilliant place to work   on 28th November. Yes, it’s that time
          three years. We all know that                 and develop a career is   of year when I am calling upon you to
          our industry is diverse and                   something that’s essential.   submit your entries, and I’m delighted
          complex, with a wide range                     I will be encouraging   to say we have extended the deadline
          of new opportunities and                         involvement in our   to the 16th of August, so what are you
          challenges.  Members                              Leaders of the Future   waiting for? It’s your time to shine!
          are adapting to                                   Group. Headed
          change in a fast-                                 up by Emily Jones   I’m really looking forward to meeting you over
          paced sector where                                of Fellowes, this   the coming months to fully understand your
          new players and                                    exists to inspire   business needs and how we at BOSS can best
          technologies                                       the younger       support you. Please do get in touch with me at
          both threaten                                      members of our, and I hope you’ll join
          to disrupt the                                    industry and to    me on this exciting journey to shape our industry.

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