Page 23 - BOSS Today Issue 44
P. 23

BOSS Today SS Today
                                                                    60 SECOND INTERVIEW   BO              #44#44

              ups - and the changes I have driven   Young Leaders of the Future     that there is a huge amount of
              through my own organisation, will   programme, I think BOSS can do    goodwill for BOSS. If we can prove
              assist me in helping drive the next   more to promote networking and   our value deeper into members’
              chapter of development for BOSS,   knowledge sharing from the newer   businesses then we can once
              whilst also being sympathetic      members of our industry so we can   again be the go-to destination
              to the views of all stakeholders.   continue to adapt and reinvent. I   for helping with those difficult
              We all need to go on this journey   will also be trying to improve our   business conundrums, for sense-
              together!                          digital services and leverage online   checking strategic thinking, for
                                                 social platforms so as to promote   confidence in decision making and
          MW:  Back in 2018 you commented in BOSS Today   communication between all of our   for sharing both the challenging/
              (issue 38) that BOSS should be “getting   stakeholders.               good times with like-minded and
              more members to connect with each other                               like-spirited people. BOSS could
              and engage in BOSS services.” Is that still   MW:  What other challenges do you see BOSS   prove a sleeping giant and if we
              true and – if so – how do you think this can   facing and how should it best deal with   can refresh our relevance to all
              be done effectively?               them?                              members of our industry, then
          SD:     It’s never been more relevant.   SD:     Some influential, industry   – to borrow a strapline from my
              We are an old-fashioned industry   long-timers may have become        previous employer – the future is
              that can be slightly change averse:   disengaged with the BOSS        bright…
              but the world is changing around   Federation, perhaps because they
              us and we need to change, too.     don’t see its relevance, or they   MW:  Finally, please tell me something about
              The best way to drive change       don’t think that it can add value,   yourself that few others know.
              is through collaboration and to    or that they think what it is doing   SD:     I’m a bad kite-surfer. Few others
              learn from how others approach     has ceased to seem interesting     know this as I’m not good enough
              it. Networking sits at the heart   to them. But I believe that when   to boast about it. As soon as I’m
              of this, but the excellent services   things are tough, or when there is   good at it – everyone will know!
              that BOSS can offer through        lots of change, then investing time
              its partnership with BPIF can      in learning about what’s
              also assist BOSS members in an     going on outside
              incredibly valuable way, so we need   the window is
              to get better at communicating the   critically important.
              value of these.                    I would like BOSS
                                                 to be one of these
          MW:  You’ve also said that BOSS should be   windows and to
              “better articulating the importance of a   prove the value
              network in challenging times”. How do you   of BOSS deeper
              think this can be done effectively?  into members’
          SD:     Most successful business people   businesses. That
              are successful because they know   means engaging at
              how to get things done through     all levels of member
              their experience and the people    organisations, not
              they have met or worked with       just through the top.
              before. BOSS is also a network,
              but as things change, any network   MW:  What other opportunities
              also needs to change or it loses   do you see BOSS facing and
              creativity and the ability for     how should it best take
              fresh thinking. I am a massive     advantage of them?
              advocate of listening more to   SD:     When I talk to
              younger cohorts in our industry:   people about the
              while we’ve got a very engaged     Federation, I can see

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