Page 22 - BOSS Today Issue 21
P. 22
shifts in paper weights during Papers, points out that "There
recent years, as Hoyne explains: has been higher use of A+
"There has been a significant products as technology allows
shift recently from 80g weight for short run colour production."
paper towards 75g and even This is echoed by Hoyne, who
70g, partly due to end-user believes that the market is
attempts at cost saving, but now polarising: "AA grades are
also assisted by the fact that the increasing through a growth in
quality of 70g and 75g paper has digital colour printers, while at
improved and in some cases can the bottom end, demand for
now be better than a C grade C grades is increasing due to
80g sheet. However, more than cost saving. While it is difficult
half of the market is still 80g to make very much money
paper." selling C grades, there are real
What this of course means opportunities for OP dealers to
is that - in terms of number of sell up the range. That's what we
sheets used - the UK market should all be doing: ‘valuising’
is not declining as fast as our ranges! Antalis believe in
the above volume demand the office sector and the great
figures would suggest, since opportunity in digital printing:
a 3-5% pa decline in tonnage hence our investment in Xerox."
accompanied by a shift to
lighter grades would mean that All This And C O Too...
the annual reduction in reams In addition, the focus that was
used would actually be less than formerly placed on recycled
3-5%. grades has now also shifted,
Furthermore, it is clear that as Hoyne explains: "Recycled is
there are some parts of the not growing: it has lost out to
paper market that are growing cheaper certified (ie FSC and
healthily: Andy Sanderson, PEFC) virgin pulp grades. Antalis
Director of Premier Business have led the way in recycled
in 2011 and 2012. However, causing a real decline in UK
the improvement in the UK paper prices of about 5% in
economy in 2013 saw a mild 2013. As Mike Hoyne, Office
recovery, and hence a decline Sector Director of Antalis UK,
of only 3-5%, with overall UK points out: "In 2010 paper prices
cut paper demand now being in the UK were amongst the
in the region of about 540,000 highest in Europe. By 2013 they
tonnes. Indeed, discussions with were close to being the lowest."
senior paper industry players Nevertheless, the indications are
suggest that similar annual rates that paper price increases are
of decline will be experienced being requested by the paper
henceforward. mills by the end of Q1 2014.
In addition, the worldwide
reduction in demand for And Now For The
cut paper has resulted in Good News...
an oversupply situation at It is important to bear in mind
the paper mills, leading to that within the market there
downward pressure on prices, have been some significant
22 BOSS TODAY | February/March 2014
Paper.indd 4 19/02/2014 14:30