Page 7 - BOSS Today Issue 15
P. 7

Famous faces
                                                                                         As ever, the odd celebrity or
                                                                                         two was present to add a bit
                                                                                         of glitz to proceedings. Brian
                                                                                         Blessed was the compere for
                                                                                         the evening and handed out
                                                                                         the awards to the deserving
                                                                                         winners. And Angela Rippon
                                                                                         came on stage and on behalf of
                                                                                         Comic Relief thanked Spicers,
                                                                                         DHL and the industry for the
                                                                                         container load of educational
                                                                                         supplies sent to Southern
                                                                                         Sudan. She said this will help to
                                                                                         shape the future lives of many
                                                                                         deprived children. She asked
       of bars and areas set aside for   The industry is proud to be   a Lifetime Achievement Award   the industry to continue with
       networking. The main bars   associated with the range and   to Stanley Vaughan presented   this venture as there is so much
       closed at 3am, but many stayed   quality of the brands servicing   by Geoff Betts on behalf of the   more we can do to help the
       on networking until late into the   the end users, and this year a   industry for his service to the   starving children in Africa.
       morning.                   number of high profile and well   industry, to the BOSS Federation
                                  respected and loved brands   and the BOSS Benevolent Fund   n For more inFormation,
       Bollywood comes to town    were given awards by the    and to the Old Friends Society.  contact Helen Dunn
       Well, we did break the mould   Industry.                 Thanks to the generosity of   on 020 7915 8320 or
       last year with the Burlesque                           guests, over £10,000 was
       theme, and while most of   Lifetime achievement        raised on the night for the
       you enjoyed it, some thought   The highlight of the evening was   BOSS Benevolent Fund.
       we pushed the boundaries
       a little too far. This year we
       had a Bollywood theme with   AwARD wINNeRS
       dancing from the “Three Bee
       Dancers” and Bollywood music
       throughout the evening. We   in FuLL
       allowed more time before,
       during and after dinner for that
       all important networking time.  Catalogue of the Year: Staples Advantage
                                    Manufacturer Marketing Excellence Award: STABILO
       New award                    Reseller Marketing Excellence Award: Office Friendly Dealer Association
       We introduced the new Brand of   Dealer Excellence Award (up to £5m turnover): Phillips Business Solutions
       the Year Award this year, moving   Dealer Excellence Award (over £5m turnover): Langstane Press
       away from a panel of experts   Entrepreneur of the Year: Kiran Mistry, COLOP UK
       to choice by consumers. We   Product of the Year: SMARTball, STABILO
       split the award into four main   Environment Award (manufacturers): Durable
       categories: Traditional Office   Environment Award (individual dealer group, resellers and distribution): Lyreco
       Products, Facilities Management,   E-tailer of the Year: Paperstone
       Technology and Furniture. The   Young Professional of the Year: Michael Hanlon, Nectere
       fieldwork was sponsored by   BOSS Lifetime Achievement Award: Stanley Vaughan
       VOW and undertaken by the
       telemarketing division of the   Brand of the Year (Facilities Management): PG Tips
       Business Performance Group,   Brand of the Year (Furniture): Bisley
       using a process developed by   Brand of the Year (Technology incorporating EOS): HP
       the Centre for Brand Analysis to   Brand of the Year (Traditional Office Products): Post-it
       ensure total impartiality.

                                                                                      December 2012/January 2013 | BOSS TODAY  7

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