Page 33 - BOSS Today Issue 15
P. 33


       TIMe To STop

       payIng “Mr X”

       The biggest change in PAYE since it was introduced in 1944 means it is

       time to make sure your payroll system is accurate and effective

              hange is in the air at                                                       as an employer, you should
              HMRc. in what is the                                                       really check the details you have
       cbiggest shake up of                                                              for your employees against a
       the PaYe system since it was                                                      passport, birth certificate or
       introduced in 1944, the plan                                                      official documents from either
       is for employers to move from                                                     HMRc or the Department for
       current arrangements, where                                                       Work & Pensions (DWP). You
       returns are made at the end                                                       should also verify that you
       of each tax year, to a new real                                                   have recorded your employees’
       time information (RTi) system,                                                    full forenames and surnames,
       where returns will be made                                                        ensuring that any double-
       to HMRc electronically every                                                      barrelled names are recorded
       time payments are made to                                                         in full, and that forename
       employees.                                                                        or surnames have not been
         for most businesses, the                                                        shortened to an initial or
       implementation of RTi will                                                        abbreviation such as Mike for
       start from 6 april next year,                                                     Michael.
       when they have to make their
       employer alignment submission,                                                    communicate
       uploading to HMRc the details                                                     Thirdly, employers need
       of all of their active employees                                                  to communicate to their
       at the start of the year. as this   your processes routinely collect   by employers holding incorrect   organisations any new
       will immediately follow the   information such as employee   information about employees’   requirements and deadlines that
       2012/13 tax year end, it really   name, date of birth, ni number,   names, dates of birth or ni   RTi will place on them.
       does pay to start planning for   gender and address, and that   numbers. Some of the errors   There is, however, light at
       the changeover now to ensure   you can transmit these to the   cited for that year make for   the end of the tunnel. Once
       that all goes smoothly, especially   payroll function quickly enough   interesting reading:  the new RTi system has been
       if you pay your staff on a weekly   to meet your new submission   ✱ There were 572 people whose    implemented, businesses should
       basis.                     deadlines.                     surname consisted of only    not longer need to submit P45s,
         employers first need to    Secondly, employers need      “X”, ranging from “Mr X” to   P46s for starters and leavers,
       investigate the demands that   to do a data cleanse of their      “Mrs XXXXXXXXX”  and P35s and P14s at the year
       the new system will have on   existing payroll employee   ✱ 507 employees were called    end. That should alleviate much
       their existing processes and   information to ensure that it is      an Other, while 160 had the    of the end of March rush that
       deadlines. it is worthwhile   accurate enough to meet the      surname “Test” and 100 were    usually affects many payroll
       investigating with your payroll   requirements of RTi.     apparently known as “Do   functions.
       software provider whether your   This is not as unnecessary      not use”
       current installation is “RTi ready”   as you may think it sounds.   ✱ Over 2,000 employees had    n for MorE InforMatIon,
       or if you will need an upgrade,   according to HMRc, 80 per cent      the aB123456 ni number  contact your boSS hr
       patch or change of software. it is   of data quality problems in the   ✱ Some 40 employees were    advISEr on 0845 450 1565.
       also a good idea to ensure that   2009/10 tax year were caused      apparently over 200 years old

                                                                                     December 2012/January 2013 | BOSS TODAY  33

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